Free Maths Worksheets

Free maths worksheets are provided here as samples of the many resources available from The Classroom Kit. They will include worksheets on counting, numeral identification, number computations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), shape, pattern, measurement, chance and data, and activities to promote mathematical thinking. Worksheets or blackline masters can also be a useful method of allowing students to take mathematical games home to play with their families. Some of the worksheets available will be designed with this in mind.

Ten Teddies on the Shelf

Groups of 3

Match the Kites (numerals 1 to 10)

Football Survey

Think about Dice Activity (2 worksheets)

What is less? (1-10) Worksheet 1

Missing Numbers Worms (1-10) Worksheet 11

Adding Groups of 10 (2 digit numbers + 10) Worksheet 10

Figurative Level Maths Worksheet 1


There are lots more free resources to be found in the Worksheet pages of this website.


External Links to
Online Resources For Teachers

School House Tech: Free Maths Worksheets

Math Drills: Free Worksheets

Math Worksheets Land

Adobe Reader